Saturday, December 29, 2018

Oh! Federal government scraps HND certificate, make fresh rules for polytechnic

FG scraps HND certificate, makes fresh rules for Polytechnics

Federal Government has scrapped Award of HND Certificates by Polytechnics.The decision was reached at the Federal Executive Council, FEC, yesterday where the approval of a comprehensive reform of Nigeria’s tertiary education system was made.

In effect, the award of HND will be limited to only the students currently admitted for the programmes.Also, all the programmes currently being run by polytechnics, which are not technology-based, and which are about 70 per cent, will be scrapped.Under the new rule, the polytechnics will now become campuses of the proximate universities with the Vice Chancellors of those universities appointing provosts for the polytechnics, subject to the ratification of the Universities Councils.
The polytechnics will now be limited to award of the National Diploma (ND) while those desirous of further education will be awarded the Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech) by the proximate university.To kick-start the new policy, the nation’s two most prominent polytechnics – Yaba College of Technology and Kaduna Polytechnic – will henceforth be known as City University of Technology, Yaba and City University of Technology, Kaduna.And to give legal teeth to these approvals, the FEC approved the submission of two Executive bills to the National Assembly for enactment.

With education being on the concurrent list, the states may wish to consolidate their tertiary institutions. But if they do not wish to follow the federal example, their programmes will continue to be regulated by the relevant agencies of the Federal Ministry of Education.The first bill will concretise the setting up of the two city universities while the second will approve the preparation and consolidation of all federal polytechnics and colleges of education as campuses of proximate universities.

The Ministry of Justice will do the preparation and submission of the two bills to the National Assembly.
Minister of Education, Adamu Adamu, told journalists after the weekly meeting of the council that under the reform measures, his ministry would, however, continue to license private polytechnics and colleges of education for the award of qualification at ND and National Certificate in Education (NCE) levels.
He said,

“There will be no more award of HND.“After we have exhausted the current students under the programme, there will be no more award of HND. This means that there will be no fresh admission for HND programmes. And in addition, any programme that is not technical will be out of the polytechnics.“About 70 per cent of polytechnic graduates are in the non-technical courses. It is going to be a rigorous implementation programme.”A ministerial committee to ensure the smooth implementation of all that is required for the take-off of the reform initiatives is to begin work immediately.

Adamu said, “The HND certificate will remain a legal tender in Nigeria and holders of such certificate will continue to be recognised as the equivalent of first degree holders without discriminatory remunerations and limit to progression in the work place

“The NCE certificate will be retained as the minimum teaching qualification at the basic level of education. Any higher qualifications by these private or state-owned polytechnics will be only affiliation with a university. So, HND is no longer in existence, but existing HND will be respected and considered legal tender.”

Friday, December 28, 2018

Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) said?

قال رسول الله – صلى الله عليه وسلم - :

1. من قال : " لا إله إلا الله" دخل الجنة.
2. خيركم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه.
3. الكلمة الطيبة صدقة.
4. القرآن نور. والصدقة برهان. والصبر ضياء.
5. إنما الأعمال بالنيات.
6. الدنيا سجن المؤمن وجنة الكافر.
7. بدأ الإسلام غريبا وسيعود غريبا.
8. المسلم أخو المسلم.
9. المسلم من سلم المسلمون من لساته ويده.
10. كونوا عباد الله إخوانا.
11. إن الله جميلٌ يحب الجمال.
12. إماطة الأذى عن الطريق صدقة.
13. من رأى منكم منكراً فليغيره.
14. أقرب ما يكون العبد من ربه وهو ساجد.
15. الدعاء هو العبادة.
16. آية المنافق ثلاث : إذا حدّث كذب ، وإذا وعد أخلف ، وإذا أؤتمن خان.
17. سباب المسلم فسوق وقتاله كفر.
18. الظلم ظلمات يوم القيامة.
19. كلكم راعٍ وكلكم مسئول عن رعيته.
20. من ستر مسلما ستره الله يوم القيامة.
21. لا يدخل الجنة نمّام.
22. يا غلام : سمّ الله وكل بيمينك وكل مما يليك.
23. إذا سالت فاسأل الله. وإذا استعنت فاستعن بالله.
24. الدين المعاملة.
25. البر حسن الخلق.
26. لا عيش إلا عيش الآخرة.
27. أتبع السيئة الحسنة تمحها.
28. خالق الناس بخلق حسن.
29. من صلى البردين دخل الجنة.
30. الحلال بين والحرام بين.
31. طلب العلم فريضة على كل مسلم.
32. استوصوا بالنساء خيراً.
33. لقّنوا موتاكم لا إله إلا الله.
34. لا يلدغ المؤمن من جحر مرتين.
35. أكثروا ذكر هاذم اللذات.
36. الجنة عند أقدام الأمهات.
37. الله في عون العبد ما كان العبد في عون أخيه.
38. لا يؤمن أحدكم حتى يحب لأخيه ما يحب لنفسه.
39. لعن الله اليهود اتخذوا قبور أنبيائهم مساجد.
40. لا يؤمن أحدكم حتى أكون أحب إليه من والده وولده والناس أجمعين.
41. ارحموا من في الأرض يرحمكم من في السماء.
42. الوضوء سلاح المؤمن.
43. إن الظن أكذب الحديث.
44. التثاؤب من الشيطان.
45. ويل للأعقاب من النار.
46. الملائكة تصلى على أحدكم ما دام فى مصلاه.
47. كل أمتى يدخلون الجنة إلا من أبى1.
48. لا تدخلوا الجنة حتى تؤمنوا ولا تؤمنوا حتى تحابوا.
49. من غشنا فليس منا.
50. من كذب علىّ متعمدا فليتبوأ مقعده من النار.
51. من صلى علىّ واحدة ، صلى الله عليه عشراً.
52. كل المسلم على المسلم حرام ، دمه وماله وعرضه.
53. ما نقصت صدقة من مال.
54. أقرب ما يكون العبد من ربه وهو ساجد.
55. من سلك طريقا يلتمس فيه علماً، سهل الله له به طريقاً إلى الجنة.
56. من أحدث فى أمرنا هذا ما ليس منه فهو رد.
57. أحب الأعمال إلى الله أدومها وإن قل.
58. لا تسبّوا الأموات.
59. ركعتا الفجر خير من الدنيا وما فيها.
60. إنما الصبرُ عند الصدمة الأولى.
61. يسروا ولا تعسروا. بشروا ولا تنفروا.
62. سووا صفوفكم، فإن تسوية الصفوف من إقامة الصلاة.
63. كن فى الدنيا كأن غريب أو عابر سبيل.
64. كل مسكر خمر. وكل مسكر حرام.
65. لا تأكلوا بالشمال فإن الشيطان يأكل بالشمال.
66. من لقيَ اللهَ لا يشرك به شيئا دخل الجنة.
67. إن بين الرجل وبين الشرم والكفر ترك الصلاة.
68. يبعث كل عبدٍ على ما مات عليه.
69. لعنُ المؤمن كقتله.
70. لا تحقرنَّ من المعروف شيئاً، ولو أن تلق أخاك بوجه طلِق.
71. من يرد الله به خيراً يفقهه فى الدين.
72. إذا سمعتم النداء فقولوا مثل ما يقول المؤذن.
73. مَثَلُ الذى يذكر ربه والذى لا يذكر ربه مَثَلُ الحى والميت.
74. من صلى الصبح فى جماعة فكأنما قام الليل كله.
75. إن الملائكة لا تدخل بيتاً فيه كلبٌ أو صورة.
76. الحربَ خُدعة.
77. بلّغوا عنى ولو آية.
78. إياكم والجلوس على الطرقات.
79. خير الصدقة ما كان عن ظهر غنى. وابدأ بمن تعول.
80. خيرن الناس قرنى ثم الذين يلونهم ، ثم الذين يلونهم.
81. رحم الله رجلاً سمحاً إذا باع وإذا اشترى.

Boy friend

®She wasn't your wife, you had sex with her, she became pregnant, you made her abort. Illegal relationship + murder, committed by you alone and you are boasting ..... "I've conquered that babe"... #Repent

®He is not your husband, you are having/had sex with him, collecting money from him and you think you are a sharp girl. You are an armed robber, robbing people with your body. #Repent

®She's not properly dressed, instead of you to preach to her, you are shouting "WOW!!! you look sexy.... Brother you're part of the problem. #Repent

®A preacher said "if you know what I know, you'll laugh less and cry more" does that ring a bell in our head? Do we have to see before we believe? #Repent

® I want to have money, I want to marry a beautiful wife, I want to marry a handsome guy, I  want to buy a nice car, I want to build a big house, is that all we think about? We will all die & leave all these. Vanity. #Repent

® You think regret is when u did not marry the man u wanted, or did not study d course u liked? NO! Regret is you reaching the grave without enough good deeds" vanity #Repent

®Rich, poor, pretty, ugly, slim, fat, literate, illiterate, white, black, ustaz, pastor, player, King, slave, PDP, APC, DEATH does not care who u are, when its time, you are going" #Repent

® Someone is dead & you are alive, someone is sick & u are healthy, someone is lost & you are guided, why then are u sad coz someone is rich & you are poor? why are you ungrateful? Thank Allah. #Repent

®Oh boy! Oh baby!! see Venza, Chai see house, damn! see that babe" Bros the world is just a play & illusion, its beauty doesn't last, don't be carried away, seek. Seek Allah's Rahama first. #Repent

®Anyone who is not your husband and wanna have sex with you! - he's your enemy, his love is fake, no true love will want you to go to Jahanam and miss Al-Janah #Repent

®You never shed tears even once while reading Qur'an but films always make you cry, Hmmm check yourself. #Repent

®Eye liner, eye shadow, mascara, lip stick, concealer, blusher. powder, if you like do plastic surgery, if your heart is bad, you're dead ugly. #Repent

®Allah can change you from Ajebutter to Ajepako, it's all test of life, don't let Ajebutter life make you forget Allah, always remember Him & thank Him. #Repent

®If you're not ready you can postpone your wedding date, graduation date, election date, but you can never postpone your death date, always be ready. #Repent

®If you don't respect your parents, you've disobeyed Allah, and you might end up in Jahanam. #Repent!

®I have a meeting! I have a meeting!! Is that why you rush your prayers? Noooo! Don't disrespect your Lord. Don't take Him for granted too.

Thanks for your attention. Forwarding this is Jihad. Pls take a part in it and forward to contacts or group  you care for. *May Allah bless you.

*Pls never be ashamed of Allah

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Sex in islam

                 SEX IN ISLAM

*How Islam describe sex* *TAKE YOUR TIME AND GO THROUGH IT. It add knowledge to those who have more and enlighten others as well*
We Rarely hear Of Sex being talked about By our Alims and Scholars out Of *SHYNESS or its SENSITIVITY.*

This is an Important Topic in our lives as *MUSLIMS.* Insha Allahu, we will leave out Shyness and Enlighten ourselves on this

 First of all, *The only QUALIFICATION or CERTIFICATE for sex is MARRIAGE.*

*Any Sex out of Marriage is ZINA except with whom your RIGHT Hand possess.*

Being an Adult doesn't Mean Sex is your Right except Marriage which is the *Only Rightful platform for HALAL SEX*

*Now How Are We to sex our Wives according to SUNNAH ?*

*The Prophet (saw) is reported by Anas bin Malik to Have said ;*

One of you should not fulfill ones (sexual) need from ones wife like an *ANIMAL rather there should be between them FOREPLAY of kissing and words.*

 *Sex without Foreplay is Equated to CRUELTY. It is the way of Animals*.

The Wife also has some needs to be fulfilled. This is where *Caressing, Kissing, Sucking the Nipples, Stimulating The Breasts, Fingering* and the Likes come in.
This is what Foreplay Means

But Bare in mind That *ANAL SEX (penetration through the ANUS) is highly forbidden in Islam.*

*ORAL SEX (Licking the Sex organs) is undesired and Disliked but not HARAM.*
Oral sex Health-wise could be Dangerous sometimes.

Women have *Active and unharmful VAGINAL bacterials and a Natural pH* within their genitals which makes it Not Sound to be licked by the Tongue or Kissed.

This Varies from Woman to Woman regarding the Nature and Hygiene Levels.

*Fellatio/Fellacio or Sucking of the Male genital by the Woman* is also considered Unharmful by Medical practitioners and Acceptable in Islam although opinions Vary in this Regard.

*BATHING AND BEING CLEAN* is the first thing to consider before carrying on with it.
*Personal Health and Hygiene conditions also counts.*

*SEX during the Menstruation period of a Woman is HARAM to the highest level.*

*Sex positions are Also allowed so Far as penetration is in the VAGINA. The doggy, spooning,missionary position* and others are all Allowed.

 *There are no Rules as to how foreplay is to be done.* The only laws are the ones reached by the *LOVERS*

*THE only general rules are those that go against the SHARIAH rules, which goes against wishes of the Husband or the Wife.*

*As for the Role of A woman in sexual Foreplay, SCHOLARS have praised a Woman who discards Shyness when she is with Her HUSBAND.*

*Imam Muhammad al Baqir says;*

The Best Woman Among You is the one who discards the *ARMOR of Shyness when with Her Husband and puts on the ARMOR of shyness* when she dresses up.

 *If you are a Malama, when it comes to that, Forget about Your "Malama things" and OPEN FIRE*

Don't come near your Husband with  *"HIJAB or NIQAB"*  or some rough dressing.

At that moment those are indecent.

*"DRESS TO KILL"* your husband.

*Dresses which exposed your Breasts, Your Backside Shape,* *Transparent dresses and Tight dresses*

After all, Modesty and Chastity in public is the Hallmark of  Muslim lady not In her Husbands Room.

All these Sayings show that, the *Husband and Wife Should feel completely free when they are engaged in Mutual Stimulation or FOREPLAY.*

Wives Should not Just lie down like *"A piece of WOOD"* but Must be Responsive in Foreplay.

*Make Your Husband Enjoy The Woman* in you and He will not Go Chasing Others.

 *Likewise is not Recommended to rush in Sex. Mutual pleasure and Satisfaction are also important.*

*The Shariah Allows lovers to see, Touch, Smell or Kiss any part of the body.* Oral sex is also allowed although Disliked.

*Some Restrictions in SEX according to Shariah*

*Anal sex is HARAM.* *My Brother don't go there at all, The front side is enough.*

 Sex During Menstrual period. This is also *HARAM to the Highest* extent. Q2:222.
And u can meet your wife anytime of the day, be it morning, afternoon, evening and night.Q2:223.
Do you know it's an act of Ibadah which mean u will be rewarded the more you do it.

 *It does no harm by sharing or without sharing but through sharing it would benefit others. It would add knowledge to the wise*


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P-YES is another empowerment programme of the President Muhammadu Buhari administration's job creation initiatives, administered through the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Youth & Students Affairs (OSSAP-YSA), which to empower 774,000 youths with startup tools and not cash.

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Nasir Adhama
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P-YES is another empowerment programme of the President Muhammadu Buhari administration's job creation initiatives, administered through the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Youth & Students Affairs (OSSAP-YSA), which to empower 774,000 youths with startup tools and not cash.

Apply now at

Nasir Adhama
SSA to President on Youth and Student Affairs.

P-YES is another empowerment programme of the President Muhammadu Buhari administration's job creation initiatives, administered through the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Youth & Students Affairs (OSSAP-YSA), which to empower 774,000 youths with startup tools and not cash.

Apply now at

P-YES is another empowerment programme of the President Muhammadu Buhari administration's job creation initiatives, administered through the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Youth & Students Affairs (OSSAP-YSA), which to empower 774,000 youths with startup tools and not cash.

Apply now at

Nasir Adhama
SSA to President on Youth and Student Affairs.

P-YES is another empowerment programme of the President Muhammadu Buhari administration's job creation initiatives, administered through the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Youth & Students Affairs (OSSAP-YSA), which to empower 774,000 youths with startup tools and not cash.

Apply now at

Nasir Adhama
SSA to President on Youth and Student Affairs.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Latest vacancy Nigerian LNG limited employs 1000 people

A World of Opportunity

Nigeria LNG Limited directly employs over 1,000 peo​ple. In addition, work is provided to thousands of others through various contracts and agreements.

Most staff live on Bonny Island and work there or at the head office located at KM 16 Port Harcourt-Aba Expressway, Port Harcourt and Abuja. Those who work on the Plant facilities live in Bonny Island at the Corporate R A (Residential Area) estate and Port Harcourt.

Our core business areas include marketing, production and shipping of Liquefied Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquids – and each domain has a plethora of job types and development opportunities for ambitious, accomplished, and dedicated candidates.

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Every employee commits to living by our values of integrity, teamwork, excellence and caring every day – competing in the market place with the highest ethical standards and commitment to operational excellence, cost leadership, high HSE standards, honesty and integrity and focus on long-lasting business relationships and sustainable success. In this way, we aim to ensure that our name is always synonymous with being a trusted and valuable business partner with all our stakeholders in the sustainable development of Nigeria's gas industry and of NLNG's host communities.

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Click Data Privacy Statement​ before registering and applying for a job. In the event of any challenge, send an email to with details of the challengs

The attention of Nigeria LNG Limited ("NLNG") has been drawn to a scam being perpetuated by some fraudulent persons who claim to be employees of the Company, recruitment agents or influential people in the Nigerian oil and gas industry.

These fraudulent persons contact people through e-mail, social media and other forms of internet publication with bogus, fictitious and imaginary transactions soliciting for financial details, advance fees or other favours in exchange for which they purport to confer non-existent benefits (funds, employment, contracts etc) in NLNG. There is the danger of these fraudulent persons extorting money from victims based on these false claims.

NLNG DOES NOT charge any fees for the award of contracts and/or for employment in any capacity

Contract awards and employment follow NLNG's due processes. Guidelines are contained in the Company's website

The authentic website maintained by NLNG or

NLNG expressly disassociates itself from such fraudulent e-mails/publications and hereby warns the general public that these are scams designed to defraud unsuspecting individuals / corporate organizations.

Members of the public are hereby urged to be wary of the sort of scam messages described above and take every necessary steps to verify claims of persons purporting to act on behalf of NLNG, NOT to communicate or disclose any personal financial details or send any money in response to any such messages and to report any such incident to the appropriate law enforcement agencies.

NLNG expressly disclaims any liability for any losses incurred by any person (s) as a result of reliance on such fraudulent e-mails/publications​

Nigerian army national wide recruitment


Interested candidates are to:
Make sure you are currently on the official recruitment portal
Create a user account to enable you login. Your username must be a functional email
Complete the application form, submit online and print a copy. Then, print and complete the Guarantor Form as appropriate.

Basic Information
Applicants must be a Nigerian citizen by birth and possess a National Identity Card.
Possess a minimum of 4 credits in not more than 2 sittings in WASSCE/GCE/NECO/NABTEB. One of the credits must be in English Language.
In addition to the above qualification, those applying for Tradesmen/women must also possess OND/Trades Test/City and Guild Certificate.
Be between the ages of 18 – 22 years for non-tradesmen/women while tradesmen/women must be between the ages of 18 – 26 ears by 18 February 2019.
Not be less than 1.68 metres and 1.62 metres tall for male and female candidates
Knowledge of additional Nigerian language other than mothers tongue is an added advantage.


There will be no Pre-selection Computer Based Test to be conducted on candidates.
No special centre for recruitment.
There will no Zonal Screening Exercise.
All screening of potential recruits will be done at the candidates’ respective state of origin.
Any candidates who falsifies or forges his/her results and discovered even during training at Deport NA would be withdrawn.
All candidates are to report to the Screening Centres with their bank Verification Number Printout.

Candidates are advised in their own interest not to give any form of gratification or inducement to any person or group of persons to assist them in the recruitment exercise.
You are advised to carefully read the instructions on this portal or call the following support lines if in doubt: 0905 992 4328 and 0802 656 9770.

Name of shortlisted candidates for screening would be released on 28 January 2019 on the website.

Shortlisted candidates are to report to their respective states of origin for the screening exercise on 29 January 2019.
Successful candidates would be transported to Deport NA for documentation and training from 9 Feb 2019.

Click here to apply


Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Get marriage



Carry your wife to the bed when she sleeps off in the sitting room, make her feel like a baby at times. The truth is, every woman wants to be treated like a 2-year-old girl at times, that's why women behave childish or silly at times.
You may have an argument with your wife and the next thing is that you will see her putting her bags outside the house, it doesn't mean she is asking for a divorce, she is just being childish, she simply wants you to hold her, look her in the eyes and say "I am sorry for the argument".
That's women for you. Every brother needs to study in the university of women before getting married, read books about them, learn what the Bible says about them and you will hardly have a problem with them.
Though there may still be some challenges, because you're both from different background and your imperfections are bound to stand.
So, read books about marriage, an ideal home, child upbringing, importance of marriage and the likes. Don't just jump into marriage with an empty head about matrimony, you will have problems.
How many men can tolerate their wives nagging let alone shouting? It's said that, you should be quiet when your spouse is angry, when one person is fire, the other person should be water.
Brothers, when your wife steps on your feet intentionally or mistakenly, don't let your eyes turn red, just smile at her, if she did it intentionally, she is just playing with you, if she did it mistakenly, its not her fault. So why shout at her over every small mistake?
As a man learn to ignore some things, don't be petty. Some men are feminist; Do "hide and seek" with your wife, sing poems for your wife in the garden or inside the house, even if she is teasing you.
Assist her in the house chores, pound yam, fetch water, don't make her look like your maid. Bathe together, wake her up for prayers, swim with her if it's available, cook together, teach her how to cook if she doesn't know how to cook. Cooking is not the ticket to Paradise. It's not only a feminine duty.
Use blind folds to cover her eyes and tickle her, scare her at times, call her from work/ school, text her, write "I love you" in a small note and put it under her pillow or in her purse or in her bathroom or in her cosmetics box or inside her cupboard. Kiss her always, cuddle her, pamper her and play with her hair. Always tell her, she's beautiful and that you're happy to have her as your partner.
All these are part of being romantic...When a woman tells you that you are not romantic. It means you are not doing all these things, its not the romance in the bedroom she is talking about. That's why, you brothers have to study "women's language" it's a 10 year course.


It is part of your duty to be romantic too. Your shyness shouldn't get to your marital life and that doesn't mean you should be shy to express your love to your husband.
Send sweet text messages to your husband at work, sometimes even if you are in the room discussing with your husband, still be chatting with him on social media (Facebook, Whatsapp, Viber, Imo, bbm etc) even though he is right in front of you, it's fun and romantic! Discuss how lovely he is on your facebook timeline, this will trip him a lot.
You should be chatting with your husband, not other men on social media networks.
Buy flowers for him. When eating, give him the biggest meat. At times, bake cake for him to surprise him. Ladies, use your soft voice to sing for him, be creative, a poem like (twinkle, twinkle lovely spouse, how I wonder what you are, up above mFOR COUPLES AND THOSE ABOUT TO GET MARRIED


Carry your wife to the bed when she sleeps off in the sitting room, make her feel like a baby at times. The truth is, every woman wants to be treated like a 2-year-old girl at times, that's why women behave childish or silly at times.
You may have an argument with your wife and the next thing is that you will see her putting her bags outside the house, it doesn't mean she is asking for a divorce, she is just being childish, she simply wants you to hold her, look her in the eyes and say "I am sorry for the argument".
That's women for you. Every brother needs to study in the university of women before getting married, read books about them, learn what the Bible says about them and you will hardly have a problem with them.
Though there may still be some challenges, because you're both from different background and your imperfections are bound to stand.
So, read books about marriage, an ideal home, child upbringing, importance of marriage and the likes. Don't just jump into marriage with an empty head about matrimony, you will have problems.
How many men can tolerate their wives nagging let alone shouting? It's said that, you should be quiet when your spouse is angry, when one person is fire, the other person should be water.
Brothers, when your wife steps on your feet intentionally or mistakenly, don't let your eyes turn red, just smile at her, if she did it intentionally, she is just playing with you, if she did it mistakenly, its not her fault. So why shout at her over every small mistake?
As a man learn to ignore some things, don't be petty. Some men are feminist; Do "hide and seek" with your wife, sing poems for your wife in the garden or inside the house, even if she is teasing you.
Assist her in the house chores, pound yam, fetch water, don't make her look like your maid. Bathe together, wake her up for prayers, swim with her if it's available, cook together, teach her how to cook if she doesn't know how to cook. Cooking is not the ticket to Paradise. It's not only a feminine duty.
Use blind folds to cover her eyes and tickle her, scare her at times, call her from work/ school, text her, write "I love you" in a small note and put it under her pillow or in her purse or in her bathroom or in her cosmetics box or inside her cupboard. Kiss her always, cuddle her, pamper her and play with her hair. Always tell her, she's beautiful and that you're happy to have her as your partner.
All these are part of being romantic...When a woman tells you that you are not romantic. It means you are not doing all these things, its not the romance in the bedroom she is talking about. That's why, you brothers have to study "women's language" it's a 10 year course.


It is part of your duty to be romantic too. Your shyness shouldn't get to your marital life and that doesn't mean you should be shy to express your love to your husband.
Send sweet text messages to your husband at work, sometimes even if you are in the room discussing with your husband, still be chatting with him on social media (Facebook, Whatsapp, Viber, Imo, bbm etc) even though he is right in front of you, it's fun and romantic! Discuss how lovely he is on your facebook timeline, this will trip him a lot.
You should be chatting with your husband, not other men on social media networks.
Buy flowers for him. When eating, give him the biggest meat. At times, bake cake for him to surprise him. Ladies, use your soft voice to sing for him, be creative, a poem like (twinkle, twinkle lovely spouse, how I wonder what you are, up above my world so high, like a diamond in my heart).
Sing poems for him, no shyness is allowed. Don't just be welcoming your husband with an angry face because there is no money in the house, God is our provider. Don't welcome your husband with your body smelling maggi, don't only play with your husband when he receives his salary.
Welcome him with a warm hug always, and when he is going to work, pray to God to keep him safe and for him to be successful. Support him, advise him, wipe his tears, be grateful to him, it's not easy to be a man, when you see his faith waxing cold, encourage him, don't threaten him that you will seek for divorce, don't compare him with other men, buy him gifts, wash his clothes, sing for him, praise him in a way that he wouldn't think of an alternative, be the best cook, wash his car if u have the time, dress him up, pamper him when he is sick.
Wake him with a peck and don't complain about his snoring habit.
Let kiss be the messenger between you. Read books on intimacy, don't learn it from what you see in movies..
Most of what you see there are not real. Call your husband pet names. Though you can also call him by his name even if he is 30yrs older than you, as far as he is comfortable with it.
Remember that, God said, men are the protectors and maintainers of women. So respect him and honour him even if he is younger than you. Marriage isn't a bed of roses but a bed of sacrifice. It's said that, there is nothing better for two people who love each other than marriage.
To fall in love is a disease and its cure is to marry the person one is in love with. Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion and the romance and you find out you still care for that person.
Finally, married men, divide your nights into 3: one for yourself (sleeping), one for your wife and one for your God... That's the best night one can ever have. PLZ GET MARRIED.
#copied#y world so high, like a diamond in my heart).
Sing poems for him, no shyness is allowed. Don't just be welcoming your husband with an angry face because there is no money in the house, God is our provider. Don't welcome your husband with your body smelling maggi, don't only play with your husband when he receives his salary.

Welcome him with a warm hug always, and when he is going to work, pray to God to keep him safe and for him to be successful. Support him, advise him, wipe his tears, be grateful to him, it's not easy to be a man, when you see his faith waxing cold, encourage him, don't threaten him that you will seek for divorce, don't compare him with other men, buy him gifts, wash his clothes, sing for him, praise him in a way that he wouldn't think of an alternative, be the best cook, wash his car if u have the time, dress him up, pamper him when he is sick.


Carry your wife to the bed when she sleeps off in the sitting room, make her feel like a baby at times. The truth is, every woman wants to be treated like a 2-year-old girl at times, that's why women behave childish or silly at times.
You may have an argument with your wife and the next thing is that you will see her putting her bags outside the house, it doesn't mean she is asking for a divorce, she is just being childish, she simply wants you to hold her, look her in the eyes and say "I am sorry for the argument".
That's women for you. Every brother needs to study in the university of women before getting married, read books about them, learn what the Bible says about them and you will hardly have a problem with them.

Though there may still be some challenges, because you're both from different background and your imperfections are bound to stand.
So, read books about marriage, an ideal home, child upbringing, importance of marriage and the likes. Don't just jump into marriage with an empty head about matrimony, you will have problems.

How many men can tolerate their wives nagging let alone shouting? It's said that, you should be quiet when your spouse is angry, when one person is fire, the other person should be water.
Brothers, when your wife steps on your feet intentionally or mistakenly, don't let your eyes turn red, just smile at her, if she did it intentionally, she is just playing with you, if she did it mistakenly, its not her fault. So why shout at her over every small mistake?
As a man learn to ignore some things, don't be petty. Some men are feminist; Do "hide and seek" with your wife, sing poems for your wife in the garden or inside the house, even if she is teasing you.

Assist her in the house chores, pound yam, fetch water, don't make her look like your maid. Bathe together, wake her up for prayers, swim with her if it's available, cook together, teach her how to cook if she doesn't know how to cook. Cooking is not the ticket to Paradise. It's not only a feminine duty.

Use blind folds to cover her eyes and tickle her, scare her at times, call her from work/ school, text her, write "I love you" in a small note and put it under her pillow or in her purse or in her bathroom or in her cosmetics box or inside her cupboard. Kiss her always, cuddle her, pamper her and play with her hair. Always tell her, she's beautiful and that you're happy to have her as your partner.

All these are part of being romantic...When a woman tells you that you are not romantic. It means you are not doing all these things, its not the romance in the bedroom she is talking about. That's why, you brothers have to study "women's language" it's a 10 year course.


It is part of your duty to be romantic too. Your shyness shouldn't get to your marital life and that doesn't mean you should be shy to express your love to your husband.

Send sweet text messages to your husband at work, sometimes even if you are in the room discussing with your husband, still be chatting with him on social media (Facebook, Whatsapp, Viber, Imo, bbm etc) even though he is right in front of you, it's fun and romantic! Discuss how lovely he is on your facebook timeline, this will trip him a lot.

You should be chatting with your husband, not other men on social media networks.
Buy flowers for him. When eating, give him the biggest meat. At times, bake cake for him to surprise him. Ladies, use your soft voice to sing for him, be creative, a poem like (twinkle, twinkle lovely spouse, how I wonder what you are, up above my world so high, like a diamond in my heart).

Sing poems for him, no shyness is allowed. Don't just be welcoming your husband with an angry face because there is no money in the house, God is our provider. Don't welcome your husband with your body smelling maggi, don't only play with your husband when he receives his salary.

Welcome him with a warm hug always, and when he is going to work, pray to God to keep him safe and for him to be successful. Support him, advise him, wipe his tears, be grateful to him, it's not easy to be a man, when you see his faith waxing cold, encourage him, don't threaten him that you will seek for divorce, don't compare him with other men, buy him gifts, wash his clothes, sing for him, praise him in a way that he wouldn't think of an alternative, be the best cook, wash his car if u have the time, dress him up, pamper him when he is sick.
Wake him with a peck and don't complain about his snoring habit.

Let kiss be the messenger between you. Read books on intimacy, don't learn it from what you see in movies..

Most of what you see there are not real. Call your husband pet names. Though you can also call him by his name even if he is 30yrs older than you, as far as he is comfortable with it.
Remember that, God said, men are the protectors and maintainers of women. So respect him and honour him even if he is younger than you. Marriage isn't a bed of roses but a bed of sacrifice. It's said that, there is nothing better for two people who love each other than marriage.

To fall in love is a disease and its cure is to marry the person one is in love with. Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion and the romance and you find out you still care for that person.

Finally, married men, divide your nights into 3: one for yourself (sleeping), one for your wife and one for your God... That's the best night one can ever have. PLZ GET MARRIED.


a peck and don't complain about his snoring habit.
Let kiss be the messenger between you. Read books on intimacy, don't learn it from what you see in movies..

Most of what you see there are not real. Call your husband pet names. Though you can also call him by his name even if he is 30yrs older than you, as far as he is comfortable with it.
Remember that, God said, men are the protectors and maintainers of women. So respect him and honour him even if he is younger than you. Marriage isn't a bed of roses but a bed of sacrifice. It's said that, there is nothing better for two people who love each other than marriage.

To fall in love is a disease and its cure is to marry the person one is in love with. Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion and the romance and you find out you still care for that person.

Finally, married men, divide your nights into 3: one for yourself (sleeping), one for your wife and one for your God... That's the best night one can ever have. PLZ GET MARRIED.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Job vacancy at intercoms integrated solution

                          JOB VACANCY


 a multinational corporate organisation wishes to inform the general public on its current recruitment going on in its new branch at onitsha.  Qualified and interested  persons are to fill the following vacant positions in the firm....

Regional Manager
Departmental Head
Project Supervisor
Technical Engineers
Health personnel

Minimum of B.Sc(any discipline), M.Sc and professional certificate are added advantage

Management Tutors
Control Personnel
Public Relation Officer
Office Secretary

Minimum of HND, OND, and NCE

Office Assistant
Office clerk

Minimum of smart O'Level

Method of Application
Interested candidates should forward their;
Phone number
Position applying for to the number below                                                   
08179564809 and
 your cv to

For more information visit Or call 08064948923

NB: All applicants should be from south-east and south-south.

Unforgettable night bus


Tracy’s barking voice resounded in my ears over and over again as i
walked towards the park my large travelling bag hung loosely over one
shoulder while i clutched the smaller bag containing the jewelries Tracy asked for.
Tracy was my over domineering, bossy and classy girl friend who always
wanted things to be done her way and no other way. Only her beauty
could match the her over domineering and rude attitude which was why i always managed to tolerate her.
“You promised you would be back last weekend now its tuesday and you
are not yet back. what are you still doing in lagos?”
Her voice rang through the phone when she called this evening.
“Baby am sorry my business partners shifted our last meeting
“And so? haven’t the meeting finished yesterday? now its tuesday and
you are still telling me about the crappy meeting eeeeehn sky?!!”
I could hear her heavy breathe through the phone buttered into a faint
sound of music and i could swear am sure she was in my house having insisted i leave her my spare key, she has been with it since last year and have somehow cut my tail shot when it comes to taking women home.
How could i when the thought of tracy barging in without being
announced kept haunting me, even Amaka my hot secretary at the office would have made a good catch but “The fear of tracy is the beginning of wisdom”.
“Sky are you sure you are not straffing all these dirty lagos ashawo” she sang again still sounding desperate and washy.
“Aaaah baby oo no na, am i mad?” I teased out to let the temper
“Biko don’t baby me, i have been here for 4days waiting for you and you keep telling me stories and babying me, mtcheeeeew” sounds like my tease work is working.
“Baby you don’t have to wait anymore, am taking the first flight early
tomorrow morning back into your arms, i even got you the promise white gold Burito necklace, the designers bag you love and the gold Rolex watch” I added to soften the horse more.
“Aaaaah baby really?”she shrieked “Thank you, i will be expecting you
to wake me up tomorrow with your kiss” She blew out chuckling.
I knew my magic had worked and the bull was tamed. It was 4:30pm, the
hotel room was chilly and stale nothing moved and i was alone.
“I think i have to go today with the night bus and ge to the east by
morning, whether na night bus or morning flight no be still morning i go
reach?” I thought loudly. As a sharp igbo boy it sounded good to me at
least i could save up to 20k for some other things if i take the night bus.
I grabbed my bag from the ward rope did a quick pack of the few clothes
i came with, carefully slipped the versarc bag, white gold necklace and
watch into the bag and zipped it, i wouldn’t want any stories that touch
they cost me 250k and Tracy would definitely have my head if any story
comes up with those not after she had fought tooth and nail for it until i
later bulged and promised to get them on my next trip to lagos.
I checked out of the hotel leaving a few naira tip with the hotel
receptionist who had lavished me with flirty eyes which gave me flashy
images of what i would love to do with those killing body of hers.
Hitched a taxi to the luxurious bus park and spend almost 3hours stuck
in Lagos traffic.
The bus park was buzzing with activities, agboro boys shouting
dragging people by the bag to corner them down to their own bus.
I held on to my bag tight feeling the package bulging slight from the
side, in a brisk unshaky strides i walked into the bus park heading
straight to pay for my ticket.
The large long bus shuddered slightly as the engine kept humming in a
singing manner, could see passengers sticking their faces out of the
windows looking down, it was almost a full bus.
I paid the ticket woman left the change for her, i needed to be on that
bus already as it was the last of the luxurious bus heading towards the
east that night.
Finding my seat in the pitch black night was almost one of Hercules
12Tasks, as i had to excuse many people to look under their board to
read the numbers. finally i relaxed at number 47 which complimented
the shaby number 47 written by the ticket woman which almost look
more like a 44.
“Good evening” A figure seating on my spot greeted, the shadowy light
that struggled to sip into the bus only showed a figure and no feature.
I flashed the light from my phone screen casting the silvery light all
She wore a blank face, large silky eyes and a very dark mascara,
wondered why she had that on in the night.
The complimenting glow of her skin from the light made her out to be
fair complexioned, Angelina jolie type of kpomo lips and a relatively
slim figure.
“Good evening how are you?” I said letting out a smile that i wasn’t sure she saw.
She adjusted her legs a bit to allow me pass to the inner seat beside the
window which bore my number, i slid pass her and dumbed my weight
hard on the seat heaving out a heavy sigh, clutching the bag tightly on
my laps. It was a long journey and i can’t take chances with this bag.
“Sir can’t you keep your bag on the compartment above?” she asked me looking intensely into my face.
“Aaaaah No, its fine dont worry dear. Thank you”
The bus roared and shuddered and sighed loudly as the driver caressed
it the way he knows how to do best. in about 15minutes time it roared
hard and taxied slowly out of the park, the journey had begun.
My phone beeped and it was tracy on whatsapp
Tracy: Baby have you eaten dinner?
Me: Yes sweery am about to sleep now, you know i have a flight to catch
in the morning.
Tracy: Yes baby i can’t wait. How much did you get the white gold in
Me: Just 150k
Tracy: Woow baby and licia said she got hers for 120k, am sure she was
given a fake…**laughing smiley**
I rolled my eyes and caugha glimpse of the girl beside me watching
my phone.
Me: hahahaha abi, oya baby let me sleep now see you in the morning..
Goodnight, love you **Kissing smiley.
I couldn’t wait for her reply before slipping my phone back into my
pocket and looked out of the window watching as small cars raced along side the huge python of the road which i was in.
The winds slapped hard on my face causing me to blink faster than
normal, it smeared a soothing cold feel as the tarmac raced behind.
It was a very cold stale atmosphere, it was quiet only occasional coughs
was heard every now and then and the speedy rush of tyres on asphalt.
Turning towards her, she seemed busy fixed directly on her phone
working her fingers sharply through the keypad of the blackberry Q10
like a machine.
“So whats your name?” i asked trying to break the grave silence that had
engulfed us for hours now.
“Am lucia” she said placing her phone into a little purse she had.
“Hhmmm lucia am sky, so i guess you live in the east too?”
“Noo i live in lagos, just heading down to the east to visit my aunty who
just gave birth last week” she smiled out.
“Aaaaw thats so nice, congratulations” i said
“Yes oo we thank god for that” she added before i finished. “What about you?”
“Ooh me? i live in Enugu, i came on a business trip to lagos” I sang out,
the conversation helped eased my mind about the disturbing rumours of
armed robbery that is rampant during night journeys.
I talked with Lucia for about an hour getting to know some details about her; she was the third child in their family, schooled in Unilag and
studied Mass com which she showed evidently in her constructive
method of discussion in which we dabbled into many fields of life, i was truly impressed by her intelligence.
My alarm beeped to announce 1am, the whole bus was still except for
some that shifted and turned while they snored away on their seat. i
slipped my hand into my bag and fetched a can of Heineken.
“Do you care for some?” I asked her.
“Uuuuh, shaaa ok” she collected the can from me and took a gentle sip
from it while my throat flushed down large gulps of mine.
We talked more as we washed down the drinks, gentle laughs at some
dry jokes she threw, i seized every chance the brush my hand slightly on her body.
2am, the beer cans had run dry and i was feeling airy and a bit sleepy
but i had to stay awake for my bag, the boys i had seen in this bus is not
the type you would trust your bag with.
I felt lucia’s head gently slide to my shoulders, the passing lights that
sipped into the bus showed her to be closing her eyes.
Finally she had slept off and the best part was it was on my shoulder, at
least this could keep me awake as long i focus on the pound of flesh
that smeared on me.
My hand slid over shoulder clutching her arms gently, i relaxed my head
on my seat and savored the feel of her open arms on my fingers.
She kept twitching and adjusting until her whole frame was almost
buried inside my chest, “the closer the better” i grinned naughtily.
I felt her hand rest on my chest, she twitched again and her hands
started caressing my chest slightly inducing a goosy chill on my chest.
the caressing hands on my chest intensified with every passing second
making my hand stroke her upper arm faster in a subconscious reflex.
I could feel her hands working its way down my stomach taking the
goosy feel down with it which gushed down into my boxers this time as
she drew nearer towards my pubic region.
I closed my eyes and abandoned my body to the feelings that rushed
through me.
she pushed her body up into mine, could feel her breathing shakily and i knew her face was up on mine, my eyes slid open and bit enough to
catch her lips glowing in the shadows, i crashed my lips into hers hard
and fluidly taking them fully into mine.
My hand slid down her back pushing her deeper into me, could now feel
her cold hands grazing my crotch area.
I cast a desperate look around the bus, it was dark and nothing moved,
no voices were heard.
My right hand grabbed her boobs which were average sized and
definitely firm. she moaned into my mouth yanking at my belt.
Could smell alcohol in her breathe or was it mine?
My fly flew open in seconds and she buried her hands into it grabbing
my d--k with only my flimsy boxer standing between my D and total
Paradise, the bag on my laps had slipped down to the floor.
I slid down my boxers a bit allowing my D a total freedom to throb out
hard from prison.
my hands slid into her dress feeling her boobs inside the bra, i pulled
the bra down a bit and furiously pinched and caressed the bosoms like
my life depended on it.
I took my hand down her pubic region trying to open the button which
she took from me and opened it herself sliding it down her thighs.
Could make out the immaculate white G-string on her which sent my
D--k on a suicide mission, throbbing hard that i fear it might snap.
I have heard about s-x in night buses as rumours and tales but it never
rang any bell to me but here it is happening in full 19D before, maybe i
might wake up and realize it was just a wet dream.
Her cold hands were wrapped smoothly around my s---t wanking it
gently as our tongues danced into each other and my hands now rubbing
her K---y-Cat through the pant concentrating on the wet spot.
Her slight moans were buried into my mouth and i intensified the finger
She dove her hand into her purse and brought out a condom and handed
it to me still kissing me hard.
I sharply OFFed the condom pack with jet speed before she changes her mind.
The condom was on my d--k within seconds fitting tightly and
comfortably on it like a second skin.
I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her up to seat on me, noticed as
she ran her eyes all around the bus as she noiselessly pulled her body
on mine.
She shifted her panties to the left and slowly lowered her waist into my
rock hard s---t which seemed to be shouting in anticipation.
My whole body went stiff as her K---y-Cat slowly buried my d--k inch by
inch, a warm cold feeling, slippery but tight and gripped my d--k like its
fitted in it.
I closed my eyes hard, shut my mouth to avoid impending groans from
escaping, my breathing sounded like it had been amplified with a
microphone and i did my best to keep it soft and noiseless.
Her right hand were over her mouth and her left rested on my laps, my
two hands held her waist firmly and she slid gently up and down my
“Oh my goodness, this girl will give me a pleasure heart attack at this
young age” i muttered to myself.
The rhythm was steady and slow, my eyes were shut but sometimes
peeped open to scan the bus for the slightest movement or sound which
called for caution and a temporal stop for few seconds.
Her waist rolled round, up, down my s---t like she was rocking to a
The tempo intensified slowly, my body getting numb, a surge of alien
pleasure quaked my spine, my toes curled hard and my grip on her waist
got tighter, i subconsciously grinded and slammed her harder into me,
at this juncture i didn’t care what went on around me because my brain
was literally shut down.
Could feel my whole body convulse, quake and shake. d--k became
harder and stiffer as a heavy toll of orgasmic wave rushed into me.
I wriggled uncontrollably forcing myself not to let out the groan that
lumped hard on my throat as wads after wads of love fluid spurted from
my D and into the rubber.
She slid off me breathing heavily, i too bore a shaky breathing tempo as
i gently slid the fluid filled rubber off me and threw it out the window.
Replaced my semi-flaccid d--k back into my boxers which it happily
I pulled up my trouser and zipped up my fly wearing an evil grin feeling
like “Baba baaaaaaaad boy”
Her clothes were back to default within 60seconds she moved back into
me and placed her head on my chest, my arms went around her and i
closed my eyes savoring every ounce of post orgasmic bliss.***
“Oga, Oga wake up” A strong baritone voice called out from my dreams.
“Oga we don reach!!!”
My eyes weakly slid open, the blurry images registered little by little, the
golden baked sun bathed my face.
A very dark man stood over me looking down on me with a twisted face
that betrayed the contempt he held within.
“Oga wake up na, we don reach enugu na” He said again this time more
serious and a bit angry.
I opened up wide, looked beside me but lucia wasn’t there, nobody was
in the bus except for the man.
“When did we reach?” I asked him still recollecting my wits back.
He cast a stern look at me “Aaaah since last year weh we reach, you
were just sleeping like you deh your room”
I ignored him, proceeded to straighten my creased shirt, picked my bag
and place the hand over my shoulder again.
“Where is the girl that sat beside me?” I heard myself ask out.
The look on his face was definitely “This guy is mad” kind of look.
“which gal, everybody don comot since na” He said turning to leave.
Anyway nothing spoil shaa, maybe i might bump into her or something
cus i don’t even have her number.
My hands felt beside my bag she seemed smooth and straight instead
of the slight bulge it gave out the night before.
My eyes popped and i flew the zipped open, dove my hands into the bag
and checked everything, that was when it dawned on me the Jewel box
containing the gold and watch was gone, even the hand bag and the 20k
i tucked into the inner compartment of the bag.
“Jesus oooooooo!!!!!!!!!!” I shouted placing my two hands on my head,
shakily poured out all the contents of my bag over and over again but
reality was dawning on me, it was gone.
I rushed down into the park, few people were there most of them
boarding the morning bus, i searched around for any thing that may
resemble lucia that is if am even sure i will recognize her if i do. My
250k worth of jewelry and 20k transport awoof gone in a whim.
“God punish that devil of a girl” I cursed under my breath as the drove
towards my house. But looking at the bright side, it was the best
travelling experience i ever had except for this morning, and the angelic
devil gave me one of the best straff of my life, but tracy will be waiting
and expecting her jewelries.
“Now i have to go and face 2nd world war with Tracy at my house”
Sighed hard and melted into the taxi seat… Have learnt my lesson the hard way.

The End

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Difference between syntax and grammar



English grammar is the way in which meanings are encoded into wordings in the English language. This includes the structure of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences, right up to the structure of whole texts.
There are historical, social, cultural and regional variations of English. Divergences from the grammar described here occur in some dialects of English. This article describes a generalized present-day Standard English, the form of speech and writing found in types of public discourse including broadcasting, education, entertainment, government, and news including both formal and informal speech. There are differences in grammar between the standard forms of British, American, and Australian English, although these are minor compared with the differences in vocabulary and pronunciation.
Modern English has largely abandoned the inflectional case system of Indo-European in favor of analytic constructions. The personal pronouns of Modern English retain morphological case more strongly than any other word class (a remnant of the more extensive case system of Old English). For other pronouns, and all nouns, adjectives, and articles, grammatical function is indicated only by word order, by prepositions, and by the "Saxon genitive" (-'s).
Eight "word classes" or "parts of speech" are commonly distinguished in English: nouns, determiners, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions. Nouns form the largest English word class, with verbs being the second largest word class. Unlike many Indo-European languages, English nouns do not have grammatical gender (although many nouns refer specifically to male or female persons or animals).

In linguistics, syntax is the set of rules, principles, and processes that govern the structure of sentences in a given language, specifically word order and punctuation. The term syntax is also used to refer to the study of such principles and processes. The goal of many syntacticians is to discover the syntactic rules common to all languages.

Grammar is the study of rules governing the use of language. In linguistics, grammar is the set of structural rules that governs the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language. The set of rules governing a particular language is the grammar of that language; thus, each language can be said to have its own distinct grammar. Grammar is part of the general study of language called linguistics. Grammar is a way of thinking about language. Grammar consists of set rules regarding language and sentence structure, such as no splitting infinitives and no hanging prepositions.
Grammar is the general term referring to the set of rules in a given language including syntax, morphology, while syntax studies sentence structures. This means that syntax is studied within grammar as a daughter of grammar but sister of morphology where syntax has nothing to share with internal structure of words but grammars have i.e in morphology. SYUSUF MAITAMA SULE UNIVERSITY, KANO


English grammar is the way in which meanings are encoded into wordings in the English language. This includes the structure of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences, right up to the structure of whole texts.
There are historical, social, cultural and regional variations of English. Divergences from the grammar described here occur in some dialects of English. This article describes a generalized present-day Standard English, the form of speech and writing found in types of public discourse including broadcasting, education, entertainment, government, and news including both formal and informal speech. There are differences in grammar between the standard forms of British, American, and Australian English, although these are minor compared with the differences in vocabulary and pronunciation.
Modern English has largely abandoned the inflectional case system of Indo-European in favor of analytic constructions. The personal pronouns of Modern English retain morphological case more strongly than any other word class (a remnant of the more extensive case system of Old English). For other pronouns, and all nouns, adjectives, and articles, grammatical function is indicated only by word order, by prepositions, and by the "Saxon genitive" (-'s).
Eight "word classes" or "parts of speech" are commonly distinguished in English: nouns, determiners, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions. Nouns form the largest English word class, with verbs being the second largest word class. Unlike many Indo-European languages, English nouns do not have grammatical gender (although many nouns refer specifically to male or female persons or animals).
In linguistics, syntax is the set of rules, principles, and processes that govern the structure of sentences in a given language, specifically word order and punctuation. The term syntax is also used to refer to the study of such principles and processes. The goal of many syntacticians is to discover the syntactic rules common to all languages.

Grammar is the study of rules governing the use of language. In linguistics, grammar is the set of structural rules that governs the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language. The set of rules governing a particular language is the grammar of that language; thus, each language can be said to have its own distinct grammar. Grammar is part of the general study of language called linguistics. Grammar is a way of thinking about language. Grammar consists of set rules regarding language and sentence structure, such as no splitting infinitives and no hanging prepositions.

Grammar is the general term referring to the set of rules in a given language including syntax, morphology, while syntax studies sentence structures. This means that syntax is studied within grammar as a daughter of grammar but sister of morphology where syntax has nothing to share with internal structure of words but grammars have i.e in morphology. So, morphology studies words forming, syntax deals with such formed words by putting them in a correct position within a phrase, clause or/and a sentence under the umbrella of grammar.
Syntax is how a sentence is worded and structured. In Linguistics syntax is “the study of the principles and processes by which sentences are constructed in particular languages” .It consists of the type of sentence (Declarative, Interrogative, Exclamatory, and Imperative) and word order (passive vs. active voice) It also refers to length of sentences (short vs. long).
Syntax can be used as a literary device to add extra meaning to your sentences, whereas grammar adds no greater meaning to your sentences.
Syntax is roughly about word order. Grammar has two overlapping meanings: 1. everything about how a language works, including syntax as a subset. 2. How words are inflected, conjugated, declined according to aspect, degree, gender, mood, number, person, tense, etc. 1. Is the sense linguists would use. 2. Is what some people not familiar with actual linguistics would use and is why you will encounter claims such as "Chinese has no grammar”.
Syntax is simply the way words are organized structurally. This can be either grammatically correct or incorrect, it is still syntax. Sometimes, in a grammatical analysis, linguists might refer to an ‘underlying syntax’, which would be a normalized structure of the words in a sentence, and not necessarily the actual structure used. The word order ‘noun (subject)- verb- noun (object)’ would be a simple example of syntax. The order “Come here!” would be analyzed as having the explicit syntax ‘verb- adverb’, but might be analyzed as having the underlying syntax of ‘noun (subject)- verb- adverb’, as in “(‘You’- implied) come here”.
Grammar refers to the sets of rules that are used regarding HOW syntax should be structured. This is typically divided into proscriptive grammar (dictating/enforcing arbitrary rules for how to ‘correctly’ organize a sentence) or descriptive grammar (an analysis of how speakers ACTUALLY structure the language). Some examples of grammar would be the rule “the verb should always follow the subject”, or ” the ‘to’ in an infinitive verb construction must always be followed immediately by the verb”.
Grammar might also have a relatively larger scope, since it would include the rules for any lexical variations (differences in spelling of the same base word), as well as rules for capitalization, punctuation, etc. Syntax usually involves only the structure of various TYPES of words in relation to one another (although some semantic analyses might be more specific than others).
Syntax: The way in which words are put together to form phrases, clauses, or sentences.
Grammar: the set of rules that explain how words are used in a language. ( ex. Tenses in English). Grammar also is the framework of a language. It is a study or science that has two parts: morphology (the forms of words) and syntax (the combination of words into sentences).

Syntax deals with their functions in sentences – subjects, objects, attributes etc.
Example: “To know you is to love you.”
To know, to love are both verbs (infinitives) – (morphology)
But they have different functions: to know is the subject, to love is part of the predicate – (syntax)
In short, syntax is HOW words are structured; grammar is WHY they are structured that way.

morphology studies words forming, syntax deals with such formed words by putting them in a correct position within a phrase, clause or/and a sentence under the umbrella of grammar.

Syntax is how a sentence is worded and structured. In Linguistics syntax is “the study of the principles and processes by which sentences are constructed in particular languages” .It consists of the type of sentence (Declarative, Interrogative, Exclamatory, and Imperative) and word order (passive vs. active voice) It also refers to length of sentences (short vs. long).

Syntax can be used as a literary device to add extra meaning to your sentences, whereas grammar adds no greater meaning to your sentences.

Syntax is roughly about word order. Grammar has two overlapping meanings: 1. everything about how a language works, including syntax as a subset. 2. How words are inflected, conjugated, declined according to aspect, degree, gender, mood, number, person, tense, etc. 1. Is the sense linguists would use. 2. Is what some people not familiar with actual linguistics would use and is why you will encounter claims such as "Chinese has no grammar”.

Syntax is simply the way words are organized structurally. This can be either grammatically correct or incorrect, it is still syntax. Sometimes, in a grammatical analysis, linguists might refer to an ‘underlying syntax’, which would be a normalized structure of the words in a sentence, and not necessarily the actual structure used. The word order ‘noun (subject)- verb- noun (object)’ would be a simple example of syntax. The order “Come here!” would be analyzed as having the explicit syntax ‘verb- adverb’, but might be analyzed as having the underlying syntax of ‘noun (subject)- verb- adverb’, as in “(‘You’- implied) come here”.

Grammar refers to the sets of rules that are used regarding HOW syntax should be structured. This is typically divided into proscriptive grammar (dictating/enforcing arbitrary rules for how to ‘correctly’ organize a sentence) or descriptive grammar (an analysis of how speakers ACTUALLY structure the language). Some examples of grammar would be the rule “the verb should always follow the subject”, or ” the ‘to’ in an infinitive verb construction must always be followed immediately by the verb”.
Grammar might also have a relatively larger scope, since it would include the rules for any lexical variations (differences in spelling of the same base word), as well as rules for capitalization, punctuation, etc. Syntax usually involves only the structure of various TYPES of words in relation to one another (although some semantic analyses might be more specific than others).

Syntax: The way in which words are put together to form phrases, clauses, or sentences.
Grammar: the set of rules that explain how words are used in a language. ( ex. Tenses in English). Grammar also is the framework of a language. It is a study or science that has two parts: morphology (the forms of words) and syntax (the combination of words into sentences).

Syntax deals with their functions in sentences – subjects, objects, attributes etc.
Example: “To know you is to love you.”
To know, to love are both verbs (infinitives) – (morphology

But they have different functions: to know is the subject, to love is part of the predicate – (syntax)
In short, syntax is HOW words are structured; grammar is WHY they are structured that way.


How far does light travel in a year?


Diagram showing the distance light travels between the Sun and the Earth. Credit: Wikipedia Commons/Brews ohare

The Universe is an extremely big place. As astronomers looked farther into space over the centuries, and deeper into the past, they came to understand just how small and insignificant our planet and our species seem by comparison. At the same time, ongoing investigations into electromagnetism and distant stars led scientists to deduce what the the speed of light is – and that it is the fastest speed obtainable.
As such, astronomers have taken to using the the distance light travels within a single year (aka. a light year) to measure distances on the interstellar and intergalactic scale. But how far does light travel in a year? Basically, it moves at a speed of 299,792,458 meters per second (1080 million km/hour; 671 million mph), which works out to about 9,460.5 billion km (5,878.5 billion miles) per year.

Calculating the speed of light has been a preoccupation for scientists for many centuries. And prior to the 17th century, there was disagreement over whether the speed of light was finite, or if it moved from one spot to the next instantaneously. In 1676, Danish astronomer Ole Romer settled the argument when his observations of the apparent motion of Jupiter’s moon Io revealed that the speed of light was finite.

Light moves at different wavelengths, represented here by the different colors seen in a prism. Credit: NASA/ESA
From his observations, famed Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens calculated the speed of light at 220,000 km/s (136,701 mi/s). Over the course of the nest two centuries, the speed of light was refined further and further, producing estimates that ranged from about 299,000 to 315,000 km/s (185,790 to 195,732 mi/s).

This was followed by James Clerk Maxwell, who proposed in 1865 that light was an electromagnetic wave. In his theory of electromagnetism, the speed of light was represented as c. And then in 1905, Albert Einstein proposed his theory of Special Relativity, which postulated that the speed of light (c) was constant, regardless of the inertial reference frame of the observer or the motion of the light source.

By 1975, after centuries of refined measurements, the speed of light in a vacuum was calculated at 299,792,458 meters per second. Ongoing research also revealed that light travels at different wavelengths and is made up of subatomic particles known as photons, which have no mass and behave as both particles and waves.

For example, the nearest star to Earth (Proxima Centauri) is roughly 4.22 light-years distant. The center of the Milky Way Galaxy is 26,000 light-years away, while the nearest large galaxy (Andromeda) is 2.5 million light-years away. To date, the candidate for the farthest galaxy from Earth is MACS0647-JD, which is located approximately 13.3 billion light years away.
And the Cosmic Microwave Background, the relic radiation which is believed to be leftover from the Big Bang, is located some 13.8 billion light years away. The discovery of this radiation not only bolstered the Big Bang Theory, but also gave astronomers an accurate assessment of the age of the Universe. This brings up another important point about measuring cosmic distances in light years, which is the fact that space and time are intertwined.

You see, when we see the light coming from a distant object, we’re actually looking back in time. When we see the light from a star located 400 light-years away, we’re actually seeing light that was emitted from the star 400 years ago. Hence, we’re seeing the star as it looked 400 years ago, not as it appears today. As a result, looking at objects billions of light-years from Earth is to see billions of light-years back in time.

Yes, light travels at an extremely fast speed. But given the sheer size and scale of the Universe, it can still take billions of years from certain points in the Universe to reach us here on Earth. Hence why knowing how long it takes for light to travel a single year is so useful to scientists. Not only does it allow us to comprehend the scale of the Universe, it also allows us to chart the process of cosmic evolution.


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